Friday, 18 January 2013

Introducing Puppy to Adult Dogs

A well organised introduction will ensure that your puppy and older dog will get along well. Its a good idea to have the first introduction in a neutral place like a park, friends place etc. This will prevent the older dog from getting aggressive trying to protect his turf.
  • Have both dogs of the lead. Be relaxed you don't want your older dog to feed of your tension and fear. IF you fear your older dog may aggressive have their first meeting with a chain fence between them for safety of the puppy.
  • Do not hold the puppy in your arms when you are introducing pup to older dog
  • Do not put them in a small space together
  • Once you are comfortable with the safety levels take both dogs for a walk beside each other with a friend.

  • After 15 minutes of walking allow a snout to snout meeting.
  • Let them sniff each other and give great praise. Give them each a special treat.
  • If they are showing signs of a fight intervene
  • Let them play together the puppy more than likely will understand to be submissive to the older dog.
  • The first meeting should not be too long. Its best to end the first meeting with both dog and puppy leaving feeling happy.
  • Once the meeting has been a success in the neutral place they can then meet the next day in your garden.

  • There should be only one dog and puppy meeting at a time. Not two or more dogs and a puppy
  • Don't let them get too excited. 
  • When you bring your pup inside have him alone first to sniff around. Remove anything that your older dog might guard before you bring the older dog in like a blanket, bones etc.
  • Then bring in your older dog. Let him see the pup inside the home
  • Don't leave the puppy alone with the older dog until you are confident that they get along. And know how to play safely. Some older dogs play rough not meaning harm. You do not want to have the terrible tragedy that Miley Cyrus had with her dogs. They should be supervised for a week or two
  • The odd gnarl or lip curl is normal for the older dog as they might get annoyed by the pup at times.

  • Keep the older dogs routine the same.
  • Have alone time with both dogs so you can bond with the puppy and your older dog feels secure.
  • If you leave the puppy with the older dog all the time it may not bond with you

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Puppies and Dogs During Lambing Season

You should keep extra care when in the countryside with your pet during the lambing season. Keep your pet on a lead in the public rights of way where there are pregnant sheep present.
Sheep worrying is a problem for the sheep farmer. It is major problem during the lambing season which is usually from December to April.
If your pet chases the sheep it can injure or cause death. Sheep are very nervous and if they sense danger they run in a pack. If a sheep is chased or runs while pregnant the ewe could abort their lamb. This is a big loss for the farmer. The sheep can develop a fear of dogs which is a problem for the sheep farmer who uses the trained sheep dog to herd their flock.
If sheep are worried by a dog they can become separated from their lambs. If it is a very young lamb it could die from the hunger and cold.
Also if a sheep is in the process of giving birth and is interrupted it could lead to the death of the lamb.

Any breed of dog big or small trained or untrained can be involved in sheep worrying. Dogs still have their basic instincts. The chase instinct can be triggered by the slight movement of an animal. Once your pet becomes transfixed on the chase its difficult to get them back through recall. You just have to hope that they become bored, see something else that interests them or tire themselves out. If a farmer sees your dog chasing his sheep it could be a big problem for you and your dog. Prevention is the best port of call. 

In some places it is legal for farmers to shoot and kill dogs that are seen trespassing on their land. Some trigger happy farmers do not need much prompting to shoot and kill your beloved pet. 
The dog owner is liable for any damages occurred during sheep worrying or kill. Even if your pet is a saint at home if it joins a group of dogs they could do alot of damage.
Also you don't want be held responsible for someones else's dogs attack. When a farmer finds a dead sheep they want to find a culprit. If you are known for having a dog off lead in a sheep area you could get the blame and face the wrath of an angry farmer. 

Monday, 14 January 2013

What To Do When Puppy Goes Off Food

If your puppy suddenly goes off their food then the first point of call is to contact  your vet if all illness has be ruled out then you can set about solving the problem. Make sure that your puppy is not getting access to the neighbour's dog food or food from the rubbish bin.

If your puppy will still eat human food and not his own kibble then more than likely the puppy is not unwell. It could be a sign of behavioural problems that need to be addressed so don't give in to those cute puppy dog eyes. Dogs are smart and if they realise that they can get lots of extra attention by not eating and being fussy with their food then they will master this habit. When they discover that by holding out and not eating their boring kibble they will get tasty human food then they will. 

  • Stop petting your puppy while they are eating
  • Do not hand feed the puppy
  • Soak the kibble in water
  • Heat up the puppy kibble
  • Don't let your puppy beg at the table
  • Feed during family meal times in their own area
  • Great praise when they eat their food
  • Only leave the food out for 15 minutes
  • Perhaps they have an upset stomach feed them boiled rice, cottage cheese and chicken for 24 hours and then try their regular food
  • The food you are giving them may be out of date ensure that you feed your puppy a high quality pet food

Puppy Burps

Burping is due to there been too much air in the stomach. The burp is the release of this air.
The cause of this is usually from eating or drinking at a rapid speed which pups love to do.
Giving your pup smaller amounts of water may help alleviate the burping. Also there a special dog bowels available that reduce the speed in which your pup can eat their food. There are knobs on the bowel which the pup has to eat around thus reducing the speed in which they can gobble. So if your pup eats and drinks slower the burping will be greatly reduced.

Your pup may also burp due to a change in their diet. If a puppy is having a bad reaction to a new kibble they will have smelly burps. You must ensure that you introduce the new kibble slowly mixed with the old kibble and that it is of a good quality trusted brand.

If your puppy is burping along with coughing up blood and vomiting then its time to worry and call the vet. Any signs of discomfort then a vet should be called. There could be a stomach obstruction.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Emergency Puppy Milk Formula

Do not feed the puppy on their backs have them on all fours.
Burp them. Before and after feed, massage their genitals with moist cotton wool to get them to pee and poop as the mother dog would usually do this. Do not overfeed the pups. 
Do not feed a chilled puppy warm them up first.

I used lactol for the puppies I cared for but if you do not have access to
a pet shop or vets take note of the following recipes.
Keep the body temperature at 98 Fahrenheit during first week. 
Boil all utensils before use as the young pups will be very delicate at this stage.
Feed every 2 to 3 hours.
Serve at 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Small amounts. Milk should drip out and not flow quickly. Be very hygienic.



Recipe 1

13 oz Canned Evaporated Milk

13 oz Water

   4   oz Plain Yogurt

   4   Egg Yolks


Recipe 2

10 oz Canned Evaporated Milk

3   oz Water

1   Raw Egg Yolk

1   Cup Whole Plain Yogurt

1/2 Tsp Karo Syrup

Recipe 3   

1/2 Cup Evaporated Milk
1/2 Cup Boiled Water
1     Teaspoon Corn Oil
2     Raw Egg Yolks
1     Tablespoon Full Plain Yogurt
1     Drop Paediatric Multivitamin

Easy Puppy and Dog Biscuit Recipe


2          Cups Whole Wheat Flour
1          Cup Rolled Oats
1/3      Cup Peanut Butter
1 1/4   Cups Hot Water



Preheat oven to 350° F.
In a large bowl, whisk together all the dry ingredients.

In a smaller bowl, beat the eggs lightly. Add water and peanut butter.

Gently add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients.
Knead until you have a smooth ball of dough.

Take a rolling pin and flatten out the dough. Use a cookie cutter to cut out shapes. 
Bake for 30 minutes, or until golden. If you want the dog treats to be softer, take them out 10 minutes earlier.